Saturday, May 17, 2008




Last Monday morning, at about 3:30AM, I was awakened by sudden loud, angry barking and carrying on from the "dog park". Unable to quiet the ten hounds from the bedroom window, I went out in my skivvies, of course. I did manage to settle them somewhat but Speckles carried on until daylight which didn't come soon enough. At 6:00 AM, after shoveling you know what and hosing down the kennels, I loaded hounds and proceeded down the road toward my favorite training site. I had not ventured very far when Brenda called me on my cell phone. Her excited words, "You'll never guess what is up that tree. Two black bear." I understand my response was, "I got to see this!" I turned the truck around and proceeded back home. Sure enough, up the tree was a cub black bear. Brenda had seen the mother bear crawl down the tree and run down through the yard. At that time I decided to go about my business and maybe the cub would be down when I returned.

Yes, It was a little unnerving and disconcerting to think I had been under that tree in my nightie, worked around the kennel and loaded hounds with those two bear only slightly more than ten feet away.

I returned in two or three hours to find the cub still up the tree. I decided to call the Pennsylvania Game Protector, since it was his bear in my tulip tree. I left a message on Officer Bimber's answering machine and also called the Pennsylvania Game Commission headquarters in Franklin. At headquarters they assured me the bear would come down upon nightfall, but, I needed reassurance.
It wasn't long before Officer Rodney Bimber and his wife, Ronda, showed up and again assured me the cub would come down at nightfall, the mother bear would be of no threat and that I could go about my normal activities. Officer Bimber said he would check on the cub bear later in the evening which he did. All was well until, dark.

At 9:00 PM the hounds were again carrying on, the mother bear was back and up the tulip poplar tree. It sounded at times like she was talking to her cub, trying to convince it to come down. The cub at times seemed to be crying. The mother bear spent the remainder of the night coaxing and apparently making several trips up and down the tree. She must have spent some time laying at the base of the tree also. But every time she moved the hounds would howl and bawl keeping me, Brenda and who knows who else up all night. The mother even got into the neighbor's garbage scattering it about.

Again early, I loaded hounds and went on my dog training mission. Upon my return Officer Bimber and Vaughan Graham were looking over the situation in the tree. Officer Bimber decided the cub needed to be tranquilized. After preparing the tranquilizer, the Officer proceeded up the tree by ladder but the cub was too smart for that and moved higher in the tree. Bimber then decided to use a dart gun to tranquilize the cub. The first shot missed and stuck in the tree. After some target practice the Officer tried again and did stick the cub with the dart. The dart, with tranquilizer, seemed to have little affect. Again the cub moved higher. It was discussed what would happen if the cub fell from the tree and a tarp was secured to possibly break his fall if needed. The cub was now high in the tree, two deputies were on the scene plus numerous onlookers. Many different scenarios were discussed and analyzed.

It was at about this time, 3:00 in the afternoon, some one suggested a bucket truck of some kind would be handy to go higher than the cub and possible chase it down the tree or at least be able to tranquilize it from the bucket. One of the deputies, apparently a volunteer fireman from Clarion, called for the hook and ladder truck. It wasn't long before this very impressive piece of machinery was parked in my yard and deployed. It also wasn't long before Officer Bimber had reached the cub and was ready to tranquilize.

With everyone ready, including onlookers, the cub was stuck with the needle. Immediately the cub climbed down the tree and ran into my kennel barn. I can remember thinking, "this is all I needed was a cub black bear stuck in my barn." But as fast as it ran into the barn it ran out and down through the front yard with people after it. It ran down across the road towards the creek and the woods. I thought finding a tranquilized cub bear in the woods would be like finding the proverbial needle but find it they did, some how.

I was honored by being allowed to witness the tagging and removal of a tooth from the cub which was now known to be a female black bear. The bear now had a name, Sadie and she probably weighed in at less than 50 pounds and was slightly over one year old. With all chores being completed the only thing left was to wait. Sadie was moved to a shady spot with the hopes she would awaken soon.

While we were waiting the mother black bear was spotted watching us from about 50 yards. She must have known her baby was close by. At about 5:30PM Sadie was coming to and tried to walk which she had trouble doing at first. Soon, mother bear found Sadie and the last we saw was mother and cub making their way through the trees.

It was decided then, "All is well that ends well."
This is my story and I'm sticking to it.
Fraternally In Beagling and Hooked on Hare,


JREwing said...

Hey dad, nice blog and great photos. I'm glad you didn't get eaten. We're all waiting for the feature film.

Joe, Jr.

JREwing said...

Dad -- Here's a link to the video: