Wednesday, December 24, 2008

GREETINGS and Merry Christmas,
After several days of scouting for the Omnipotent Snowshoe Hare we finally spotted a track yesterday. It was late in the afternoon so we (Old Jim Hanson and the High Hare Man) did not put the dogs on the track. Besides, we had missed lunch and Jim was having an attack of hunger pangs.
During several days of pre-season scouting we may have had a short run or two but no sightings. We did have a coyote chase from the two moose hounds. I managed to break them off with the electronics. We have spotted numerous dog, coyote or one in the same tracks this scouting season.
None the less, Friday, December 26 will be THE test for both men and hounds.
Friday's hunters will be: Veteran Hare Hunters, Joe Ewing, Jr., Ray Wolford, Bill Moreland, Jim Hanson and myself. We hope all are ready, the hounds are.
Next Tuesday the 30th of December, I will be hunting with my mentor and Veteran Hare Hunter Jim Taylor, his son Vic and a friend of theirs and hopefully, Andy Hoover.
There remains several day of hunting open if anyone is interested and has the time. All you have to do is give me a call. I will be going everyday. I will be trying for a perfect attendance certificate.
The official rules of the Big Woods Hare Hunters will be followed at all costs. The "one hour rule", the one miss rule and the two hour time limit will be followed. Also, we will not be hunting for and/or shooting any other game, fur bearer or varmint. There are reasons for these rules which need not be spelled out here.
The Board of Directors will be voting on Friday night as to whether to allow a taking of a trophy hare for the 2008-2009 season. Jim Taylor would like to have his son Victor take a trophy hare and have it mounted. This will be considered by the Board at their dinner meeting.
All for now. Have a Merry and Happy Christmas.
Fraternally In Beagling and Hare Hunting,
Hooked on Hare,
Joe Ewing

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