Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Although the first two weeks of January 2010 were some of the best Snowshoe hunting in recent memory the last week or more has been some of the worst.
The first part of January was like winter is supposed to be with cold, brisk temperatures and fresh snow every morning. Not a lot of snow but enough to sweep or shovel and enough to scrape out of the kennel. No better way to keep the kennels clean than scraping fresh snow and other stuff out every day. But also, a fresh cover of snow in the Big Woods makes the scenting much better for the hounds.
The last week or so has seen very little fresh snow fall on the High Plateau. The snow pack has been different everyday but also the same. One day the snow will be wet and slushy or hard as concrete. But which ever way it is the hounds still have a hard time picking up a good scent, getting a good line and keeping the line moving.
I have known for a long time that "old snow" is not good for chasing hare.
Yesterday, heavy rains and a thaw on the High Plateau made for very wet conditions in the Big Woods. The streams were over their banks. It has been a long time since I've seen this much water. I can understand why Pittsburgh was having flood warnings. The Allegheny National Forest which was created to save Pittsburgh from flooding was unable to contain all of the water. The snow melt and the heavy rain were more than the land could handle. I cannot imagine the amount of water which would go down the Allegheny River without the Allegheny National Forest. I guess Congress knew what they were doing years ago. Too bad Congress does not know what they are doing today. The health care bill being the supreme example.
This morning there is a fresh snow fall on the High Plateau but we were unable to attend because of other appointments. Tomorrow the hounds will be out. I know the Omnipotent Snowshoe Hare will be out. Hopefully the hounds will be able to find some DNA and get a chase going.
The End

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