Saturday, January 2, 2010


In Search of One Trophy Hare!!
Tuesday morning, December 29th found the thermometer in the single digits with a strong breeze blowing out of the North onto the High Plateau of the Allegheny. Four hare hunters including new comer Marty Hrin from Rockton, PA, a protegee of Master Hare Hunter Jim Taylor, Grand Mentor Jim Taylor himself, Master Hare Hunter Jim Hanson, and the High Hare Man of the High Plateau, nonetheless undaunted, ventured on to the High Plateau in search of one omnipotent trophy Snowshoe Hare.
Six hare hounds had been released into a fresh snow pack of several inches. The pack of veteran hare hounds included Marty's hound, Jake, and Jim Hanson's big hound, Lucky. Other hounds included Little Toby Creek Kennel's Patch, Gracie, Speckles and Wiggles.
The hunters, braving high winds and slippery conditions, took the hounds into a blow down area known to contain the elusive Snowshoe Hare. No hare sign was found right away but the hounds seemed to know they were in Snowshoe habitat as some babbling wound occasionally erupt from their usually quiet mouths.
The hunters and hounds worked their way through the fallen timber without sign or success. At one point the hounds left the blow down, working a more open area higher on the mountain but to no avail.
The Hunters decided to get the hounds back into the blow down and set a different course and heading.
Soon the hounds found a hot scent, fresh DNA, and not long after the chase was on. For more than three hours the hare hounds pushed the hare. During the first hour, remember, the "one hour rule" was in effect, the hounds would be given a full hour to work their magic of the chase, the hounds made three circles with Marty and the High Hare Man sighting the hare each and every time.
On the fourth circle and the fourth sighting, the hour being completed, Marty unleashed one shot from his shotgun but missed.
The hounds, improving their skill with each successive trip through the Big Woods, pushed onward toward a fifth... and final circle.
Now, nearing three hours into this magnificent chase, the omnipotent Snowshoe Hare made his last trip.
Marty's 12 gauge Berretta found it's mark with both barrels and a great Snowshoe Hare chase and a trophy Snowshoe Hare were now history.
The hounds had performed, not necessarily flawlessly, but, with outstanding skill. Sometimes during the chase it seemed like there may have been a side chase or two. No definite evidence of more than one hare ever presented itself during the more than three hour chase.
The red gods of hare hunting smiled down upon us by providing us with a great day afield. The day proved to be otherwise uneventful except Jim Taylor tore some ligaments in an ankle. We hope he heels quickly.
(Below) Marty Hrin, a self employed business man, outdoors man and a highly successful big game hunter who had just returned for a successful hunt in Alaska where he bagged a mountain goat waits as his hound Jake and other hounds owned by Jim Hanson and Joe Ewing chase a magnificent Snowshoe Hare through the Big Woods of the Allegheny National Forest.

(Below) Marty Hrin and his hound, Jake, show off their trophy Snowshoe Hare immediately after harvest. The chase was a great one, lasting more than three hours and ending on the fifth time by.

(Above) Marty Hrin of Rockton, PA. receives the official cap of The Loyal Order of The Big Woods Hare Hunters of The Allegheny from the High Hare Man of the High Plateau to commemorate his success on the High Plateau of The Alleghenies.

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