Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Left: Kaz Kazmarek receives the official insignia of The Big Woods Hare Hunters of The Allegheny from the High Hare Man of The High Plateau after a cold but exciting day of chasing and observing the Omnipotent Snowshoe Hare on The Allegheny High Plateau.

Left: Wayne Wilson, of Strattanville, PA receives the official cap of The Big Woods Hare Hunters of the Allegheny from the High Hare Man of the High Plateau as a memento of his first time out with The Big Woods Hare Hunters and their hare hounds.

Left: The Hare Hounds of The High Plateau chased and hounded this Magnificent Snowshoe Hare for several hours during an outing to the Allegheny National Forest on Saturday, February 21, 2009. The fact that the picture is not clear represents a near miss with the camera. If the photographer could do as well as the hounds then all of the pictures would be near perfect.

After a real good three day start to last week, even after hunting in the extreme conditions of Wednesday, with the snow, ice and rain, Friday turned out to be a real bust. Veteran Hare Hunter Jim Hanson and myself returned to what I was calling "my new favorite Hare Hunting place" only to be disappointed. On Friday we did not have so much as a yip from the hounds. If you will remember this was the location where I took the picture of the Hare on the log. The hounds did manage to find a deer carcass and some training ensued.
Saturday morning Jim and I went to one of our old haunts and it was not long until the the mighty hounds of the High Plateau were on Old Mr. Hare and the chase was on for almost three (3) hours. This Magnificent and Omnipotent Snowshoe Hare is pictured above.
With fresh snow on the High Plateau, Monday (02/23), Andy, Jim and I were joined by now, Big Woods Hare Hunter Kaz Kazmarek and Wayne Wilson in hopefully finding and chasing the Omnipotent Snowshoe Hare on the High Plateau of the Allegheny.
After a more than adequate breakfast and volumes of coffee (and tea) at the Village Dinor in Marienville, PA, the gateway to the Allegheny National Forest the five hunters and six hounds headed to the steep banks of the scenic Tionesta Creek.
With temperatures in the teens and a driving wind the hunters dawned snowshoes and headed into the Big Woods. It was no time at all before Andy's hare hound, Nellie, was off and driving a magnificent Hare through the thick new growth of a former clear cut.
The rest of the pack, Jim's Lucky, my Gracie, Andy's other hound Molly, Kaz's best little 12 1/2 inch hound anywhere, Kelly and Wayne's Frick or was it Frack soon joined in the chase and the fun had begun. Wayne was the first to pay homage to the Omnipotent One which apparently made Wayne's day and mine too. Everyone enjoyed multiple sightings and Jim Hanson swore the hounds had at least three different Hare up during the mornings chase.
The hounds of the High Plateau chased, with no worry to the Hare, for almost three hours. With the fresh snow pack completely tracked up from both hounds and the hounded it became time to find a fresh chase.
After a spot of coffee and some home made cookies we were back into another, thought to be, good cover. Two hours later, with out a chase, we were back at the trucks and ready to move out.
The critique of the day was positive and everyone agreed it had been an outstanding day on the High Plateau and we would soon be ready for more action.
Kaz received the official patch of The Big Woods Hare Hunters of The Allegheny and Wayne received the official cap.
Fraternally In Beagling and Hare Hunting,
PS: Received a couple emails and here they are.
Hi Joe
Thanks for the info on the PA hare season. I am really surprised PA has only a six day season. Hardly seems worth keeping dogs all year.
If you send me your address, I have a couple of pictures you will find interesting. Sorry, I don't do pictures over the internet.
We had great running this past weekend, actually we hunted Thursday through Sunday. Snow was really deep on Sat and Sun. however the scenting conditions were execellent. Our freshman team, two young males my Billy and Ronnie's male, did fair. The varsity team consisting of my Raider and my partners Nikki were outstanding;We killed a few each day, normally if we shoot two or three we call it quits. Usually we put the dogs down about 9:30, let it warm up and run to 2:30 unless something unforseen occurs. We like to stop at the local watering hole and have a beer and a sandwich on the ride home If my memory serves me, your gang hunted Tug Hill three years ago the same time in Feb that Ronnie and I took our trip to Pine Grove Lodge. Do you recall actually where you hunted, stayed, and the results. Our season is winding down, closes the middle of Mar. We have three weekends reamaining. The toughest thing about planning a trip to Tug Hill is the changing weather conditions.
Stay in touch
Roy sends

To the "High Hare Man of the Allegheny"
Wish we could be with you today. Instead I had to go with my son-in-law and my daughter "the hare hunter" to a fur sale. No deals were made, as the price for coon hides was at $6.80 each. Yes thats right, $6.80! I should have gotten up at 5AM and traveled to the Route 66 Dinor, where a good day with the hounds could have been had.
Till next time - - -

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