Thursday, February 5, 2009


There is a magnificent Snowshoe Hare is this photograph.
It is located directly in the very center.
Hard to see, huh?

"Old" Jim waits to catch a fleeting glimpse of a
Varying Hare on The High Plateau of the Allegheny February 2, 2009
Note producing oil pumping jack in background.
Allegheny National Forest is called, "The Land of Many Uses."
February 5, 2009
An ever deeping snow pack on the High Plateau is making the Omnipotent Snowshoe Hare chasing more than work for both man and hound.
The hounds have been battling tough conditions with regularity. Man has had rough going even with the best snowshoes money can buy. It is suppose to warm up for the weekend. Maybe the snow pack will settle or better yet a crust will be formed.
Last Saturday (January 31, 2009) Andy, myself and several hounds did not have much luck in finding a Hare at one of our favorite spots (formerly favorite now). We hiked a couple miles through deep snow and came up empty. We did find a couple deer and chased them out of their beds. The fact that we did not find a Hare does not mean there are none there. But, we saw no sign of any kind.
Later in the day we tried a new site that looked like it had potential. We did manage to find and run an Appalachian cottontail directly to a hole. Apparently the Appalachian does not like deep snow either.
On Monday (February 1, 2009) Andy, myself and Nellie, Molly, Kipper, Patch and Gracie had great success. We went to an old haunt and found the Omnipotent One. The Grand Old Hare ran for over four hours leading the hounds through some mighty deep snow.
Andy and I had reason to believe there may have been more than one Hare. We seemed to have several side chases during the day.
On Tuesday, February 2, 2009, while Punxsutawney Phil was seeing his shadow, "Old" Jim and I were back on the High Plateau hunting at the 1900 foot line of altitude. We saw plenty of sign, the hounds cold trailed some and we thought we would get a chase going but we had no runs. The hounds found another Appalachain which would not run.
We will be seeking better luck from the red gods of hunting next time.
Fraternally in Beagling and Hare Hunting and
With a Hound in The Hunt,

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