Thursday, February 26, 2009


Hi Joe
During your most recent Tug Hill trip you were in my neck of the woods. Boonville is only about 20 miles from Rome. We often hunt up on the TUG hill from Lowville, it's about a 50 minute drive for us, when the travel is good. I know it's always tough to hunt a new place without some inside information. Tug Hill's best hare hunting was back 25 to 30 years ago. During the 70's the evergreens, planted by the old CCC program and some state programs, were small and offered very good cover. Now those evergreens are fairly mature and there is not that good low down cover theh hare like, or what you find in Maine. We hunt mostly what we call natural swamps, a scattering of evergreens and alders, therefore the hare are spread around. I don't expect you would be interested in coming up this year, as the season is winding down. Typically, mid to late Feb is a good time, because we have good snow cover, the days are a little longer and not as cold.
Roy sends

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